Hi there! I am Courtney. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, certified in lymphatic drainage therapy, a clinical thermographer at BRAS thermography and the founder of W.E.L.L. I began to learn about the lymphatic system when I was told that I had lymphoma. My two boys were young and I did not like that doctors did not know how or why I got cancer. I was told that it was genetics, even though I was the first person in my family to get cancer. Or that it was the luck of the draw. Nah. I wasn’t buying it. There had to be a reason why my body was making cancer cells. So I began to study, research, and become my own advocate. I was studying and researching so that I could find out about the cancer that I had so that I could beat cancer and stay cancer free. In doing that I found my calling. I have always been a health nut. So that was not news to me or anyone in my circle. I knew that all that I learned was not in vain and that it was not just for me. It was for the people around me too. To come alongside them and help them in their wellness journey. And that is how W.E.L.L. began.
I saw my lymph gal, Terry, in Lee’s Summit about once a month for a couple years. I went to her for lymph work and left feeling so blessed and lymphatically drained. She really is something special! I am interning with her once a week to learn from her and gain all the knowledge and experience I can so that I can help people get WELL and stay WELL.
On another note……. I have two awesome sons. They definitely put the spice in my pumpkin spice lattes. They are fun and love to play sports. Me too! I love being their mom! I love other things like coffee, my other favorite people, people in general, learning, gardening, growing and harvesting herbs, sourdough baking, all things homemade, the mountains, etc. But I really love investigating and figuring out how to help people heal, thrive, detox and be in good health. I am in training to be able to do more of what I love. For now, it is lymphatic work, thermograms and breast & lymphatic health education. I hope to be able to help you with even more really soon